Missed The Storm

We missed most of the storm last night/early today. The heavy snow stayed west of us with some parts getting about 30 inches. The strong winds stayed south in the Anchorage and Turnagain areas with winds reaching 100mph. Lots of power outages and trees down in the Anchorage Hillside area. We only peaked out at 23 mph, though I’m not too sure that my weather station is in the best of spots, think I’ll try on the shed roof.

Here’s a headline from Anchorage Daily News…

Thousands of storm victims still without power
About 6,000 customers are still without power in the Anchorage, Eagle River and Valley areas after winds up to 100 mph early this morning carved paths of destruction, bringing down trees, tearing off house shingles and scattering lawn furniture into neighbors’ yards.

In other news, we drove to Palmer today to get drivers license’s. All went well there, we now just need to bring back some paper work to get our registration and plates changed over to Alaska.

The weather cleared up for our drive to Palmer, so I was able to snap atleast one photo.

The drive into Palmer and Lazy Mountain.

Thanks all for now


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