What Did You Do Today?

I spent my day shoveling snow with lots of time to think and get pissed off. After all these years, close to 40, of having a snowthrower to take care of the snow, I had to shovel today, and as you can see, our drive isn’t very small. Back when we were leaving Harbor Springs we had to get rid of a few things at the last minute. A so called friend said he would buy our gas grill (only a couple months old) and our snowthrower (only used 1/2 a winter) and send us the money once we were in Alaska. We agreed on a very low $500 for both. Well, we have been here for over 2 months now and haven’t seen any sign of the money, he always seems to have a new excuse as to way he doesn’t have it. BULLSHIT!

There was a time when I trusted people by their word. Very hard for me to do that any longer. I have always tried to honor my word, and I still will, just not too sure about anyone elses.

Anyway, I think we got about 10 inches from late yesterday through the night. That’s really not that much, but during yesterday the temp was hovering around 32F which made the snow quite heavy. If it would have been 10 to 20 degrees colder the shoveling would have been a breeze. Had to get it done before Monday, ’tis forecast to be a high of about 7F, before the snow turned hard as cement.

I did get a bit of help at the end of the drive. The plow, just a pickup with a plow, but does have DOT on it’s door, came by as I was down near the end. He rolled down his window and asked if it would help if he finished up the drive for me. I said, “Do I look like a fool, go for it and thank you”. He finished off the end of our drive, waved and drove off. Alaska friendliness showed.

Our driveway after I shoveled today

One of our bird feeders

Backyard snowscape

Bush in our front yard

’til next time

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