Getting Out

Today was my day to get out and do some more exploring of the area. Started out a nice sunny day, again, though by the time I got out, it started to cloud up, and by the time I was ready to head home, it was heavy overcast skies. Not quite as warm today, only got up to 39*F at home.

I didn’t really know where I was going to go today, being the weekend and knowing it would be busy in some areas. I headed out the Old Glen Hwy. Turned on some of the side roads in Butte, quite a nice area really. Then went down to the Knik River, then on around to Kepler-Bradley Lakes State Park area. While hiking along Long Lake, I passed this sign:

The path then came out to a farm field, walked out there for a bit, took a couple photos, and came back to the trail.

All in all, was a good day. It’s now snowing as I type this.

Eagle Munching on a Moose carcass with Magpies and a Raven

Flying away

Same spot as the Eagle, looking down Knik River

Old Knik River bridge

Farm in Butte with Pioneer Peak

Sun setting on a peak

Trail along Long Lake, Grizwald and Eli in the back

End of Long Lake

Other direction on Long Lake

View from Matanuska Experiment Farm

’til next time

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