I was planning of heading out with the dogs just after Jan left for work, she left the house at about 5:30 AM, but it was so overcast I just didn’t see doing much. So, I sat around a bit, then thought I should go look for the final part needed to complete my exhaust. Driving to the auto store, I noticed some really cool looking clouds up in the Hatcher Pass area. At the store I wandered around a bit thinking of what I could use to fix the tailpipe hanger. I found some stainless steal ziptie thingies, looked like they should do the trick. So I headed home to put them on, but, instead of headed right home, I saw the clouds on Hatcher Pass again, so I headed up there. They weren’t as great as I thought then may be, but still pretty cool looking.

Dwarf Fireweed / River Beauty
’til next time
What a beautiful scene ! I love it this is really wonderful it is much cloudy look i have seen for a first time i wish i could be there to see it live.