Nice Morning

Yes it was, even if the dogs woke me up earlier then I had hoped. After Jan headed off for work I let the dogs out again, while doing so I happened to look up to see a wonderful sunrise on the clouds above me. I quickly gathered the dogs and headed out to get some photos. We first went down to Wasilla Lake, but the wind was blowing pretty hard there so it made it hard to get a steady shot off of the sunrise. I did get a few because it was so beautiful. Next we headed up to Hatcher Pass in hopes to get some photos before the clouds closed in again. I parked and started hiking up one of the mountain sides, the views with the sunrising was just wonderful. You could also see the dust (glacier slit) blowing up really good down in the valley. I wasn’t prepaired for much of a hike, so we just went up a little ways and came back down.

The snow is all but gone in the mountains, it’s 58F as I type this at 2:00 pm.

Here are some of the photos from today.

This mornings Sunrise at Wasilla Lake

Glacier Dust Storm at Sunrise

A little later, about an hour or so.

Hatcher Pass Proper

Another view from this morning just after sunrise

Waterfall on the mountain side


’til next time

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