Out To Willow Creek

With the disappointment from yesterday in regards to Hatcher Pass not being open yet, I thought I’d head up to Willow then Willow-Fishhook towards Hatcher Pass, in hopes that they may have opened it today, a weekend. Nope again, not open, though the drive from the Willow end of Fishhook is very rewarding all on it’s own. We went as far as the closed gate, then turned left up Willow Creek Valley. Was a great sunny day for the most part, but while up in Willow Creek, the clouds rolled in and you could that there was rain coming. At that point we headed back.

Grubstake Gulch

Grubstake Gulch 060510.01.1024

Alpine Field

Alpine Field 060510.01.1024

Looking towards the Alaska Range

Alaska Range 060510.01.1024

Looking back down Willow Valley

Before the storm

Willow Creek Valley 050610.02.1024

Rain storm on it’s way

Willow Creek Valley 050610.01.1024

Willow Creek Valley 050610.03.1024

Willow Creek Valley 050610.04.1024

Willow Creek Feeder

Willow Creek Feeder 060510.01.1024


Willow Creek Feeder 060510.02.1024

Still snow on the mountain sides, though dirty looking

Mountain Side Snow 060510.01.1024

Nootka Lupine

Nootka Lupine 060510.01.1024

Narcissus-Flowered Anemone

Narcissus-Flowered Anemone 060510.01.1024

Yellow Anemone

Yellow Anemone 060510.01.1024

Gertie enjoying Willow Creek Rd. at about 4000 FT

Gertie at Willow Creek Valley 060510.01.1024

’til next time
Ed and Da Dogs

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