Was way over do, myself and the dogs were going stir crazy just setting ’round the house all day. I don’t have the money to get out and about, but fuck it, ya have to get out every so often. Was really nice to get away from the bullshit of Wasilla, traffic, noise, neighbors setting too fucking close, really just the “lord help me get through Wasilla” feeling.
Took a drive up through Hatcher Pass area, pass proper will not be open for a couple more months, then headed over to Palmer, ahh, quiet beautiful Palmer. We passed through and went up Maud Rd. to see if the snow had melted, not really, and the one small river I wanted to take photos at was still covered with snow ‘n ice, another week or so and things will be open. Still, parked the Jeep, let the dogs loose, and off we walked into the woods. Was nice!
After trucking around the woods for a while we headed out to Knik River Rd. Still not much as far as open areas to get to, too much snow in the shadow or Pioneer Peak. Let the dogs run again along Knik River then headed home.
All in all was a good day.
Photos from today.
Knik River
Hunter Creek
Roots in Knik River
Gertie at Knik River
Last years bloom
Porcupine munching
Moose nuggets
I see that LTBB’s website is still fucked up. For crying out loud, since when was the Tribal Council minutes for 04.03.11 to be linked to the 01.20.11 minutes. That is just one of the “small” things I see.