Well, not really much more news, I just couldn’t think of a title, so there.
Things here are moving, slow, then fast. Hard to keep up. I have stepped down from my position at Fred’s, going to part time. Thought that was a great idea, but no, now they (he power dip shits) feel I should just leave. But ha, as much as I would truly love to, I wont give them the privilege. Fuck ’em!
Also, worked out a deal with my landlord, it’s just that this week is going to be a tough one. After I start getting my checks from LTBB, things should be better.
Crossing my fingers on this one big time. Next week I will be applying for my old job, the official one. If I get the job, which I feel I have a good leg up on, I’ll have to move back to Michigan, good and bad. Again, for a later post.
Like I said, not much news at this time, but creeping up.
The other day I went out on the Palmer Hay Flats to see if I could get some photos of the bird migration, but it was kind of a crappy day so I think even the birds were hunkering down.
Mmmm, Mud…
Sandhill Cranes. If you look close, you can see many more “heads” in the distance.