Warm start for the day, 63° at 6:00 AM. We’re forecast to be up in the low 80’s again today with mostly sunny skies. At least the humidity isn’t bad, and I guess I should try to enjoy the warmth, it wont be around much longer.
House update – I asked if I could get a closing date yesterday, but my lender said he couldn’t give a firm date for a couple more days until the underwriters are done. So now it’s just a waiting game.
Nothing else really for today, just that it’s hot out, 83°. No news on the house today, though I didn’t really expect any. I tried sitting outside with the dogs, but they were getting over heated after a short time, so we came back in to the air conditioning. The noise from the road is really getting to me, mainly all the trucks that pass by.
Anyway, I guess that’s it, unless something happens which is doubtful.