I’m in an area that is between the big snow belts, so I was a bit surprised to see got a 24 hour storm total of 11.1″ of snow. With that much here, I’m waiting to see what the big totals will be.
I’m hoping the snow isn’t too heavy because I have to shovel it. Shovel out to the shop and shed and all of the drive. I don’t mind shoveling, it’s just times like these when there is so much that has fallen that it takes a very very long time and it’s one hell of a lot of work. Oh well, fuck it.
I just went out and shoveled the front deck so the dogs can get out. The snow is deep and heavy. I really have no idea how I’m going to get this drive cleared. And one more thing, I fucking forgot to get any gas if I was able to get the snowblower going / tire pumped up.
Oh yeah, and that fucking plow truck that was left with the house, well, the fucking thing doesn’t run.
Update 10:00 AM – Well, I got lucky, very very very lucky. First off, I checked the gas in the snowblower and there was some in it and looked like enough to do the drive. Ok, good, lucky. It started right up as normal, so I ran it with it’s flat tire to the car. Second, about a week or so ago, I had tried the little air compressor plugged into the car and it didn’t work, so I thought it was the car cig lighter not working. Tried it again today and it worked, Ok good, more luck. I got the tire pumped up and started clearing the drive. It’s always a bitch the first couple times before the ground freezes hard and there’s a good snow pack. Anyway, I got the drive done and was making the path to the shop and shed wider, but just as I got to the shed I ran out of gas. Well, Ok, good that I got everything mostly done, more luck.
So, all in all I’ve had a very lucky day so far.
Oh, and just now as I type this, the plow went by, so that’s good that it doesn’t come by here very late.