I was planning on getting out and about today, but on second thought, with the bugs being so bad this year and things I should get done around the house, I think I’ll stick around. Besides, it’s been so damn hot I haven’t been able to do anything, so I guess it’s time to get some things done.
Yesterday I started to pull off the fucked up flashing along the edge of the roof. I got a shorter section done mostly to see how much of a job it is, it wasn’t bad. So, I figure I’ll get to the longest section torn off today. I hate being up on the ladder, never have been all that stable on them, and if I fall, who would ever even know, for days, or weeks. Oh well I guess.
Update: Fucking Asshole! I just got things ready to start at the flashing tear down on the longer side of the house (to the left of the front door). I haven’t been up there since winter, well now I know why during winter and a little ice buildup the roof leaks… he put fucking nails all over the fucking place right out on the surface of the flashing and they are all open to the weather.
Stupid motherfucker!
This is going to be a much larger job than I thought with all these fucking nails.
Update: Well the front side of the house is done, and it sure looks hella better. I still have the back to do, but the flashing only runs about half way and it’s in much better shape, so it should go much faster. The bottom two pictures are of some of the flashing when it was still on.
Here’s another photo of a daylily I took yesterday. I tried some focus stacking on this one where you take multible shot but focus on different parts and then stack them together in Photoshop to make one image with all in focus. It sort of worked.