
I’m alive and not sick, though I’m leaving the house much at all. Also, I’m still working, so that’s a good thing. Fear, yes I have quite a large fear of going to the grocery store, it scares the shit out of me, but it’s something that must be done. I really wish I had someone to talk to about what’s in my head with the fear and all the other crap that’s been going on. My anxiety level is really high.
The weather here has been really up and down lately, one day it sunny and in the 50s, and the next it’s snowing again. That’s April weather in northern Michigan.
The other day I had a visitor stop by, a Sharp-shinned Hawk. I was watching TV and noticed all the birds flying off in a hurry, then swoosh, in came the hawk.
Eli and the kitty are getting along pretty good, and kitty has taken to snuggling up to Eli.

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