Birds and Such

Once again the time has flown by without me posting.
Quite a few of the spring/summer birds have arrive as of yesterday. The first Baltimore Oriole is here. The first Ruby Throated  Hummingbird is here. And, the first Rose-breasted Grosbeak is here. I enjoy the birds, it one of the few joys I really have.
The other evening I was out watching the birds, then swoosh, all the birds flew off as a hawk came down. This Hairy Woodpecker didn’t fly off, he hid on the underside of the feeder peeking over with an ever watching eye. It was quite funny to watch.
Tuesday I had my Subie worked on. New tires (Falken Wildpeak A/T Trail) that should help on the trails. They fixed my exhaust at the back that was leaking. And the biggie was my front brakes. They replaced the pads, calipers and rotors on both sides. This whole repair job was NOT cheap, in fact more than I thought it would be. It all came to just under $1,000.00, (OUCH!) but at least I know all the stuff is fixed and working properly.

Hairy Woodpecker hiding from a Hawk

Baltimore Oriole

Baltimore Oriole

Baltimore Oriole

Baltimore Oriole

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