Last night I had a hunch the sunset would be good, one because there were some clouds, and two, the smoke from forest fires in the western states. I was not disappointed. There was even a small storm brewing to the south west that I was aware of until I took the drone up and saw it.
Category: Autumn
The Hunt Was On
Friday I took the day off with the sole purpose to find a location on a river that I always thought was beautiful. After looking at a map, I figured the location had to be on the West Branch Huron River, so I headed out on Black Creek Rd as it runs the closest to the river. I made the turn down where you cross the river to go to Big Falls, but realized this wasn’t right, so I continued on. After a little while there was a turn to the left heading to cross the river again, so I took it and stopped where the river was. Sure enough, this was the spot! I had forgotten about one of the sides of the road you can walk for a long ways along the river and there is also a waterfall near the bridge, Erick’s Falls. Something else on that side, there’s a doorway (to something, for something, I don’t know) between two trees, I knew it right away as I could feel it. I hiked a little ways down the river, but my leg was really starting to hurt so I headed back to go up the other side. On this side there are large Hemlock trees that keep the forest floor open and clear, it’s really pretty. The area of the river I was looking for was just up stream a tad, so I went there and sat a while.
I just wish….
I would like to explore more up stream from this location some day.
After leaving I just drove on a ways making my way in a large loop and headed home.
Nice Drive
Went for a nice drive to see what Autumn colors were still around. Looks like most areas are at peak, if not past peak. It sure is pretty out though with all the leaves bright yellow, orange and red. Nature’s last hurrah of color before the dark gray colorless season of Winter arrives. Speaking of Winter, we’ve had a little snow, nothing sticking to the ground yet, just falling.
Back To Work
After having over a week off, today is back to work day. I still have two weeks worth of time off to kill before the end of year.
Anyway, yesterday I headed up into the Keweenaw, mainly to check out the waves. The Keweenaw had a lake shore flooding warning and a high wind warning, so I thought it would be a good day to get some photos of the waves, well that was a bust. The winds were a little too southerly, and so there really wasn’t any big waves crashing. I did get a few shots in of waves, but haven’t gone through them yet to see if they are any good.
I did go up on Brockway Mountain to check out the Autumn colors though. I would say by the end of this week the colors will be at peak up there. Man was it busy on Brockway, even for it being Sunday. Along the way I also stopped at Ten Foot Falls along the Eagle River. These falls are an easy stop right along the road. Normally there can be a nice color, with reflections in the water, looking up stream, but a large pine tree has fallen across the river blocking the view.
I have quite a few photos to go through from the past few days, so I guess I’ll filter them in in other postings.
Out Color and Waterfall Trippin’
Yesterday I went out for what turned out to be a long drive, over 8 hours of mostly two-tracks. I headed out Arvon road again, but this time I took a couple left turns to an area I saw on Google Earth that looked like some nice rapids along the Slate River. Along the way I noticed a waterfall on my GPS that I had never been to, so at the location I stuck my head out the window while driving very slow, and sure enough there was the sound of rushing water. I didn’t see anyplace where others had parked to see the falls, so I just pulled off as best I could. Knowing the river was only abut 200 feet from the road, I figured I’d be able to walk in to see the falls without much problem with my legs. Victory Falls, they are a nice falls, not a large drop to them, but on a wide part of Slate River. After spending a little time at the falls, I (we, Eli and I) drove onward. After driving a ways, a marker on my GPS that said “rapids and falls” came into view, I must have mark this a long time ago. So, I went to that spot, and sure enough I remembered being there a few years ago and marked it to come back again. At this place to, I was able to park pretty close so the walk in wasn’t far. I didn’t end up exploring the river (still the Slate River) quite a bit, and it put my legs through some pain, but it was worth it, it’s a beautiful area. Onward we went. I followed the road we were on, but little did I know it lead to Peshekee Grade Road. I figured what the hell, let’s continue on down. Peshekee Grade Road is a pretty drive even if the road gets really rough near the end where there is pavement, really old frost heaved pavement. Ha, to my surprise, about half of the old pavement had been redone with new blacktop. Well, after arriving in Michigamme it was time to head back home. All in all, it was a good day.
One Year
One year ago today I moved into this place. I’m still not completely unpacked, in fact, it’s more of a mess now. I just can’t seem to get things in order, I start, then I say to myself “fuck it”. Lots of issues in my head. I have my good days and bad days, but it seem there are more bad than good.
Late yesterday after the rain stopped, I went for a little drive to check out the color up the road a bit, not much has changed. I had quite a scare though. On the drive home the Subie was making loud thunking noises, mostly while coasting, which seemed odd to me. It was getting too dark to check this out once home, so I waited until today. After searching online, just about everything pointed to CV joints. This had me worried as fuck. So this morning I got everything ready to lift the Subie and check things out, but first I thought, what if it’s only loose lug nuts? Sure enough, I went to the wheel that was making the noise and the lug nuts were loose. Yay! I quickly went for a short drive up the road and back, and noise is gone. Big relief!
I had a pretty productive day, and a pretty good day at that. After the Subie relief, I thought of going out for a drive, then started thinking I should get a couple things done around the house instead. First thing that needed doing was burning a bunch of boxes that were starting to collect. That went fast. Then I remembered that I really should change the oil in the snowblower, it hasn’t been done since it was new 9 years ago I think. I pulled the snowblower out, put some gas in it, and it started first pull after sitting all summer. I ran it for just a couple minutes to warm up the oil and help it drain. Filled it up with new oil, ran it a bit more and put it away ready for the snow that’s soon to come. After getting those couple more things done it was about 2:00 PM, so what to do now…go for a ride. With the darkish cloudy skies and after the rain yesterday, I thought the Autumn colors should be nice, I wasn’t disappointed. After going to a couple areas I saw on the map and I thought would be nice, they weren’t very good due to mostly pine trees, I ended up east of here, so I thought I’d take Nestoria Herman Rd southeast to northwest direction. Just a little ways on the trail I saw some animal tracks in the road, and they looked big. I stopped to take a look at the tracks, wow, they were of one big ass moose, I mean really big. I’ve seen many moose and many tracks while living in Alaska, but I don’t think I have ever seen tracks this huge. The tracks went on for over a good mile on the road, but I never saw the moose. After that I just drove on taking photos of the Autumn colors and on home.
I have many more photos to post, but here are a couple.
Quickish Outing
Yesterday was quite cloudy for most the day, so I thought it would be a good day to get a few things done around the house, then around 2:00 PM the clouds broke. After being at the house for too many days, Eli and I took off for a quick drive. I drove out Arvon Rd. to see if any color was coming out that way, not much yet due to many Oak trees. I stopped at the Slate River to let Eli out and to see how one of my favorite falls was flowing, and also to see if I was able to walk/hike to them because of my issues with my legs. The hike back to the falls went okay, though my legs started to hurt on the way back. Funny thing though, I can stand for ever and not feel any pain, it’s the walking. After spending some time enjoying the peacefulness of the river and falls, we headed onward. I followed another trail that I haven’t been on, which happens to be an old railroad grade. Was a nice drive that came out near Dynamite Hill Rd., so from there we headed on home.
I had my camera, but didn’t bring anything else, such as filters and such and the sun was shining strong at the river, that’s something that is not good for taking waterfall pics., but I think this one turned out pretty good.
This is a 6 image (oriented in portrait) panorama.
Autumnal Equinox And Other Random Things
Today at 3:50 AM, the first day of fall begins.
I’m up early again because Eli needed to go out, my fault, I forgot to let him out later last night. Eli can’t hold his bladder as long as he use to, though he never could last as long as Grizwald could.
Yesterday I had planned to go out for another color drive, but it was way too gloomy with low clouds, so I stayed home. I did get a few things done around the house, might as well as long as I was going to be here. One of the things done was mounting my big outdoor floodlight so that it lights up the back yard when I want. I ordered an outdoor smart/wifi plug (will be here Tuesday) so I can turn it on and off with my phone. Funny, for being an IT guy, this is my first wifi enabled appliance.
Among other things, I took some photos of a few of the wildflowers around the house. It wasn’t easy due to it being quite windy, but I got a few anyway.
One more thing, this week I work 3 days then I’m off for 11 days. After these days off, I’ll still have close to 3 weeks to kill before the end of year.