Went out yesterday looking to Autumn colors, starting on Covered Road. Covered Road runs from a little outside of Houghton on to Redridge, it’s a pretty drive, but I don’t see how the colors would show due to it being too covered with very tall trees. I then drove into Freda, turned around and took Freda Crosscut Road which heads south east toward Toivola. I took quite a few two-tracks off of the Crosscut Rd., got lost a little, then made it back to M-26. From there I went a little more south and turned on Emily Lake Rd which turns into Pike Lake Rd. Along Pike Lake Rd. I took quite a few stops at the numerous lakes to get some photos. Then on home the back way via Baraga Plains Rd to Menge Creek Rd.
During the day’s drive, I came upon an interesting farm building. A local I know on Facebook to me this about the build…
“This is in the Toivola area near the former Heikkinen School. Barn is typical of southeastern Finland near the Russian border and Karelia which I believe now is a part of Russia but once was a part of Finland.”
At the end of this post is a video of the drive from Baraga Plains Rd down Mange Creek Rd to home.
Category: Autumn
Short, Turned Long, Drive About
After grocery shopping and mowing around the front of the house (that’s about all I can do with my bad hip), I went for a “short drive”. It was too damn nice out to just sit around, so I asked Eli if he’d like to go for a ride, stupid question, of course he did. I was going to just drive out Herman Rd and come back, but instead I took a turn on a two-track that went on for ever it seemed. The Autumn colors are really starting to pop out that way.
Lake Superior Performance Rally
Pretty cool having these cars pass right by the house. I stood out at the end of the driveway, waved and took photos. A good number of the honked as they went by, and a few waved. I tell ya, the smell they give off is definite of some high octane fuel.
I’ll edit and add more photos and info later…
I haven’t had this much fun taking photos in a long time, just wish I had someone to talk to about it.
I saw other photos on FB with some carnage done to the cars, one even on it’s side. I’m sure this was quite a challenge for the drivers with the snow and slush.

It’s One O’clock And Time For Lunch – dum dee dum dee dum
Not really, I got up at about 12:30 AM…Again, though it’s about 3:00 AM now. I don’t know, I don’t know why or what I’m even posting or what to say, just thought the title was, I don’t know. I guess I really don’t have anything to say this early morning, so here’s a photo from yesterday of the quonset hut without all the ex-owner’s crap around it.

Getting Tired Of…
Not sleeping! Again and again and again, I’m awake at about 1:30 AM and can’t get back to sleep. The only way I get more sleep is if I get up, drink some coffee, take a shower and then lay down for a nap.
Today I’m back to work after taking last week off for the moving. I still have lots and lots of unpacking to do, and arranging of things. Looks like this week will be a good week to do everything indoors as the forecast is for rain, and heavy rain at that, through Wednesday.
Taking last week off from work eat up some of my PTO that I need to use before I lose it at the end of the year. I still have 10 days to use, so if the weather clears up a bit by the end of the week, I might take Friday off to get some more photos of the Autumn colors.
Here are a few of the photos I took yesterday.

I think these might be the first rainbows I’ve seen since moving up here to the UP. There was heavy rain coming down with thunder and lightning, then all of a sudden, a peak of sunshine. I went out to take a couple photos of the colors in the tree against the dark stormy skies, but there it was… A big bright rainbow.

Campground – Day 37 (Last)
This will be the last full day here at the Baraga State Park. Finally! Tomorrow morning I leave and start moving into the new house.
Today starts out on the cool side again, around 35° with mostly cloudy skies. The forecast says it should be a pretty nice day with highs in the 50s and some sun.
If I get my packing and cleaning done, though there really isn’t much at all, I may go for that drive for some fall colors. I did end up going to Walmart in Houghton yesterday to pick up a couple cheap floor runners so Grizwald has something to walk on without slipping. I know I’ll need more floor coverings, but it will have to wait until I’m in there and know just what sizes I need.
With these cooler night temps we’ve been having, the colors around here should be just about at peak this coming weekend.
Well I did end up going out for a few. I took Pike Lake Road again knowing that the colors should be coming alive.

Campground – Day 29
Awake at 1:30 AM with sharp pains in my head. It feels like a long needle being pushed through my brain. Oh well, doesn’t really matter, it’s not like anyone gives a shit anyway.
I saw on Facebook from NWS’s webcam the northern lights were out at about 12:30 AM, I went out and looked, nothing now.
It’s suppose to be a really nice day today, what to do? Oh, that’s right, not a fucking thing. Maybe go for a drive, I don’t know, maybe just sleep.
Well I did end up going for a drive today, and discovered new areas/lakes. I drove out Pike Lake Rd., followed that and turned on each side road that went to a lake. Pike Lake Rd. comes starts at M-38 and meanders to M-26 near Twin Lakes State Park. Once on M-26, I just headed back up to Houghton and then to the camper.
Fall colors are starting, but only in a few spots and areas. There was about 50-60% around Toivola, but most of the trip there was just spots here and there with color.
Anyway, it was good to get out, even if it was just for a little while. I need to do it more, it helps me forget all the shit that’s going on.
Following are photos from the drive.