Update – 05.09.18 – Added a video of Upper Letherby Falls.
Headed out today to check out Letherby Falls with the spring runoff going on. I didn’t want to go too far and burn up too much gas, so I thought this a good idea, and it was. Once on Ravine River Rd., the road became a little rough but not big deal and the main reason for the roughness was all the logging going on in the area. Anyway, as I was about to pass over Ravine River I stopped to check out Ravine River Falls. These falls are generally small with just a trickle falling, but this time I made my first stop here. Was really quite nice. Next time I might venture further up the river as it looked quite pretty. So after taking a few photos there, I headed toward Letherby Falls. Well, the road changed big time right after crossing Ravine River. It got rutted and muddy. When I say muddy, I mean it. After a couple good mud holes I reached the parking spot for Letherby Falls. Parked the Jeep, changed into my Muck Boots and headed down to the falls. Slowly I crossed the river (good thing I brought my hiking poles for stability) to a little tiny island and sit up to take photos. Took a number of photos, enjoyed the view for awhile, and went back to the Jeep.
This is where the real muddy fun began. I’ve been on this road a number of times, but never this early in the season, and never with so much muddy, sloppy, gooey, make you get stuck mud. I traveled for a few miles, but there were a couple spots I wasn’t sure if I was going to make it through, the mud was that deep and thick. So, knowing that it would be quite a ways before I would get to the other side of Mt. Avron, and the road wasn’t getting any better, I decided to turn around. When by myself, I don’t like getting into to much extreme with the Jeep, and not having a wench. This time through those same muddy spots, I put the Jeep into 4low and locked in the real differential. Wow, did that ever make a difference. The Jeep (Hank) went through that sticky gooey stuff like it was a drive through the park.
Well, I got back to L’Anse and went for a car wash. Ha, that didn’t do a damn thing to get the mud off, well, maybe some. Then went home.
P.S. I’ll be adding more photos to this post in the coming days.

Ravine River Falls. This one I tried in Bulb Mode on the camera. It turned out to be a 5 minute exposure.