Pretty sure this flood is a hundred year flood. The whole area is devastated. Roads are gone. homes are gone, and some of the homes have been here well over one hundred years. A state of emergency has been declared.
Category: Keweenaw
Cedar Waxwings
I was just sitting down to watch some TV and some birds caught my eye in one of the apple trees out the picture window. Grabbing the binoculars to see what they were and wow, Cedar Waxwings, a bunch of them munching on blossoms. I tried taking some photos out the window, but they were still too far away, so I headed out with tripod and camera in hand. These buggers are hard to capture, as they move around a lot and they’re mixed in the branches and blossoms. I have only seen Waxwings once before, and that was in Alaska, but they were Bohemian Waxwings.
Anyway, pretty exciting.
Temp Swings
Holy temp swings today with shifting winds.
At 6:00 AM it was 31°.
At 11:45 AM it was 74°
At 1:40 PM it dropped to 53° and held around that temp until 4:40 PM when it was 50°
Now at 6:00 PM it’s back up to 78° and climbing at a rate of 25° an hour.
Warm Spring Hike Along The Slate River
Was a nice day for a hike in one of my favorite areas, the Slate River near Quartzite Falls and a number of other falls up stream, including one of my favorite spots of all, Grand Staircase Falls.
I drove up Arvon Rd. to All Wood Rd, crossed the bridge and parked. I started off checking out Quartzite Falls, but it was still mostly frozen over still, so I hiked back up to the road and started heading up stream, this was my original plan anyway.
I followed a deer path knowing it would be packed down. Every time I happen to step off that path, I sank in the snow past my knee. Then as I rounded a bend in the river, there it was, my spot, Grand Staircase Falls. Took off my gear, took some photos and just relaxed.
Spring 2018 Snowstorm II
I didn’t get any snow until yesterday starting at about 5:30AM giving Keweenaw Bay a 24 hour storm total of 16 inches.
This gave us a season total, so far, of 141.5 inches, which is 68.5 inches below the average of 210 inches for this location.
Here just quick pictures of the snow.
Winter Storm
It’s Friday and southern, tip of the mitt, of Michigan should start getting a pretty good snow storm this afternoon, and lasting into Monday with close to two (2) feet of snow. The weather is nowhere near as bad up here in the Keweenaw, as we’re not really getting the snow until Sunday, and then only 6-8 inches. I hope we don’t get any, which is possible, as the system keeps nudging southward.
With that being said, I’m thinking of a little trip around the Keweenaw Peninsula tomorrow, check out the shorelines and such. Sounds like it might be pretty windy Saturday with East winds up to 40 MPH, but that’s an off-shore wind for most the drive.
Anyway, sounds like an idea for the day, we’ll see, and better than just sitting around the house.