A Little Drive About

Yesterday, Saturday, I had plans to check out the snow along one of my favorite rivers, well, it didn’t happen. We, Eli and I, headed out to the Slate River to hike up the river and get some photos of all the snow. Once we got there, Eli decided he didn’t want to go into the snow, though I can’t really blame him, it was quite deep and he’s getting up there in age. Also I’m not sure how I would have done in the snow with my leg issues. So it was probably for the best.
So, from the Slate River I headed up to Big Erik’s Bridge and the Huron River. Too much snow there to be able to hike back along the river.
With it still being early in the day, I thought a drive out to Herman and the Herman Nestoria Road, the usually get pounded with snow and is really pretty. Well, that wasn’t the case. They did have quite a bit of snow, but I think the winds had knocked all the snow off the trees, so the drive was just that, a drive through the woods. I didn’t even take a single photo through there.
After getting back to about half way between Herman and L’Anse, I thought, what the hell, I’ll take the loop from Indian Rd then loop back to where we started, the Slate River. I missed the turn, or just didn’t see it, off of Sliver Rd that I had taken before, so continued. Oddly enough, the road I was on ended up looping back to Arvon Rd, then back down to the Slate River. Roads change in the winter, you can never tell which ones will be plowed, and as it turns out, I took the correct one.
After that, we headed back home.
I was still good to get out of the house, I needed it.

Today will be a day of some ice and snow cleanup before it gets colder this afternoon and turns everything into concrete. Then comes the snow again, they’re calling for 6-8 inches for my location. After that’s done, nothing. I’ll be relaxing and maybe watch a movie if I can find one I might like.

Eli on the two-track near Slate River

Slate River

Huron River from Big Erik’s Brdge

Silver River from Silver Rd

Sun Burst Through Snow Layded Pine

Two Days of Trail Driving

Yesterday and today I took Eli out on the trails. I haven’t been able to take the boys out for rides due to Grizward being so lame, so I though it would be nice for Eli to go out and about with me. Both times he’s been quite excited to go.
Yesterday we went out and hit some trails I’ve never been on before. We zigzagged many forest access roads between home and Bruce Crossing, and all points between.
Today we went out looking for some wildflowers in a couple areas knew would have some.
Kind of hard to tell how Eli is feeling about Griz, he doesn’t show emotions like Griz did, though he does seem a little down. When we go for our evening after dinner walks we pass Griz’s grave, he stops for a bit and just looks.

From yesterday’s travels

Big Snapper

This shows her size better. She takes up most of one track of a two-track.

Wild Calla Lily

Bluebead Lilly / Yellow Clintonia

Bluebead Lilly / Yellow Clintonia showing spider



The past couple days Griz hasn’t been breathing well, as if he’s congested or something. We were outside yesterday, and he was enjoying himself taking baths in the snow. He has always loved rolling in the snow. I feel so sorry for him and wish he could talk to tell me what he wants or needs.
Other news… I wish I could get out and about today as it’s forecast to be up in the low 40s for temps, and with some sunshine, but I just don’t dare with the crap car I have. I’ve been looking for another car/truck, but just not finding much within my price range. Sure, are are many in my price range, but not that will take me out to where I need to go safely.
Thanksgiving was really quiet, not even a text to say hi or anything.
One more thing… I’m having a hard time dealing with the stench in this house. I can’t get rid of the smell of rotting death. The smell isn’t everywhere, mainly around the kitchen. I’ve cleaned and cleaned and fucking cleaned, but it wont go away. Fuck this place and every part of my life.

Grizwald – Update

Griz has been going outside the past couple days through the front, unfenced driveway, in fact, he seems quite happy about it. I think he may have had a small stroke that is affecting he leg, he tends to drag it a little, but when he’s outside and moving more, he does swing it a bit and walks better. I know his time here is limited, but I would like him to make it into summer so he can enjoy walking a little in the tall grasses and such, he loves that so much. Now that he’s going out more, he does seem happier.

Grizwald – He never has liked his picture taken, and his face here shows it.