So now that I have my weather station up and running again, I’ve been adding other goodies to it. This morning I added links to Recent Earthquakes in Alaska and Aurora (northern lights) forecast. While searching for a good map to use for the earthquakes, I saw that we had a small magnitude 3.0 earthquake yesterday quite near by.
As with most websites, my weather site is a work in progress. I’m not really happy with the maps I have, guess I’ll just have to keep hunting. I just don’t care for the color graft type maps. If anyone has some ideas, let me know eh.
Me getting a job news is, nothing yet, though I do have an interview next Tuesday. I have applied for about 12+ opening in the past week, guess I just need to be more patient, it’s only been 1 week.
I completed our log bed yesterday and we slept in/on it last night.

That’s it for now.
What a ridiculously, fabulous jeep! Hope that you are having a great time in the Great State of Alaska. 🙂