Today we thought it was about time we got our AK licences and plates, you have to get them within 90 days of arrival. Reading up on what we needed we found out that we have to present your vehicle title along with registration and insurance. Well, we had to really search for the titles in all the box of stuff we still haven’t gone through. That took quite a bit of time and we weren’t able to get to the office in time, tis ok, we have time. Alaska has a funny law, I think anyway, that you can keep your existing driver license from another state and get one for Alaska also. But, if you choose to do this, you have to take a road test. If you don’t want to take the road test you must surrender your out of state license, we choose the later. A new license only costs $20 too. The registration cost is a flat rate based on year of vehicle and class, my Jeep will cost $70 and Jan’s truck will be $80. These are both good for 2 years, not just 1.
I have another job interview this coming Monday at 2:00. I have so many apps in right now that I have a hard time keeping track. The job market is really wide open up here, meaning, there are lots. With so many jobs out there, I’m sure something will be coming my way soon. Besides that, I’ve only started looking for little over a week now.
There is still a little bit of snow on the ground today, most melted, and the sun came out late in the after noon so I got another shot out our back toward Talkeena Mountains.

’till next time