Spent some of today splitting wood, though much easier to split than the wood from Michigan (Alaska’s hardwood is Birch), it was still a bit tough for the first time of the year.
Took a couple photos from the yard showing the mountains out back and where the sun is at “high noon” this time of year. If you were to stand facing west and hold your watch so that 12 is west, the sun is about at 10. Fairly low in the sky. The photo I took was right into the sun, and you can just see the height it’s at.
We had a window replaced on the house today, it was cracked when we moved in and the landlord had it replaced. The guy that came to replace the window was from Detroit. Said he came here for a 2 week vacation, that was 16 years ago. He never went back from vacation.
The weather man is calling for snow again tonight and tomorrow… Snow Report from ADN
Quite an early start of winter, even for here. People are rushing to get thier studded tires on due to the early start.
I’m also about to start my next big project, refinishing an armoire that was my grand fathers. My mom had stained it red many years ago and I want to get it back to, or at least close, to original.
That’s if for now, need to start a fire.