Out To The Flats

Took about a three hour hike out on the Palmer Hay Flats today. Just another fucking wonderful day to be outdoors. Not quite as warm today as the past few days, but still up to about 43*F. I’ve always been this way, just hate to be indoors on days like these and I can’t understand people that don’t get out and just sit around the house. I can understand if you have something you need to get done, but damn, get out there!

While walking out on the flats, I was about a mile out and moose suddenly appeared from some brush. I had to grab Eli and tell Griz to stay, these are my dogs, due to Eli having the liking to make “friends” with moose. Anyway, while I was watching the moose cross the flats, I was thinking to myself, how fucking wonderful is this, this is what you see on TV about Alaska, in the wild, with the wild.

Most of these are from Palmer Hay Flats, Cottonwood Creek area.

Moose out on Palmer Hay Flats

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This guy buzzed me, didn’t even hear him coming

Looking across Cook Inlet from KGB Dr. Those chunks of sandy ice must be 5 foot tall.

More from the Hay Flats

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Matanuska Peak from the Flats

Pioneer Peak

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’til next time

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