Today in History…

1953: The first coast-to-coast live color telecast airs.

1957: The dog Laika becomes the first living creature to travel in space, on board Sputnik 2.

1952: Clarence Birdseye marketed the first frozen peas.

1917: 1st class mail now costs $0.03

1956: "Wizard of Oz" 1st televised (CBS-TV)

1507: Leonardo DaVinci was commissioned by the husband of Lisa Gherardini to paint her. The work is known as the Mona Lisa.

1921: Milk drivers on strike dump thousands of gallons of milk onto New York City’s streets.

1718: John Montague, fourth Earl of Sandwich and inventor of the sandwich was born.

1955: Alabama woman bruised by a meteor

I guess that is about all I feel like looking up.
Oh, one more bit of history for today.

I was born in 1959 on this date! smile_teeth

Yes, I’m 50 today. Do I feel any older? No, not really, not today anyway, though on some days I feel like I’m twice my age, but mostly I feel much younger then 50.


Sunset on Wasilla last night.

Sunset on Wasilla

’til next time

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