We’re almost done. A few more loads, then the clean up. Then we’ll be done. The new place isn’t the greatest place, but it will allow us time to save for what we are looking for. This place, the new one, is above the landlords garage / shop. Not what is sounds like though. He keeps and restores old cars that he owns. There is a ’57 Chevy (this one looks just about complete), ’66 Lincoln Continental with suicide doors, and others. It’s a 3 bed 2 bath place with a shit load of storage. It’s not a bad place at all, just not anywhere I’d like to spend a few years in, that and it’s in the damn city of Wasilla limits.
In other news, we’ve had close to a record snow fall for April.
Anchorage digs out after record snowfall
After having such great weather the past few weeks, sunny and in the 50’s, this was not welcome.
While packing for the move, our yard moose came by. You can just see the start of his antlers.
You lookin’ at me?
Snow fall during the move.
To all my friends back at LTBB; I miss you all!
’til next time