I had no plans for today, didn’t even know if I was going out or not. But, when I woke up, looked out the window, I knew I had to get out in the warm sun. Although the sun slowly faded behind the clouds as the day went on, it was still a great day to be outdoors. Aren’t they all?
We, the dogs and I, headed up the Archangel again, only this time I found a spot that looked nice and stopped, walked up a small hill and onto the tundra. No trails, no tracks, nothing but beauty surrounding me.
Weeeeee, just as I’m posting this we had a really nice earth quake. 🙂
A nice 5.25 Magnitude.
Some of the photos I took today.
Broken Peak.
Looking down Archangle Valley
Looking up.
A lone tree. There are no other trees of any size anywhere in sight.
Lupine View
Small creek that the dogs enjoyed seeing.they needed a drink.
Some wild flowers
Spring Beauty
Berry Blossoms
Not sure what this is.
Dandelion and Lupine
’til next time