Just like yesterday, I wasn’t going to do a damn thing today. Wrong! I grabbed the dogs just to make a quick trip to Three Bears for dog food, but something made me keep driving out to Old Glenn Hwy, then out to Knik River near Jim Creek. I was looking for Eagles again. The eagles weren’t to be seen. Too windy I’m guessing. The Glacier dust was blowing around quite good out on the river. With too much dust blowing around I headed back, Palmer way because I still needed dog food. Driving along Old Glenn toward Palmer, something forced me to turn onto Maud Rd. Drove out there until it turned to gravel, then to where most people stop driving. But look, there is a trail that heads back even further. I drove out the trail until a creek stopped me. What a wonderful spot this was! Mountains to one side with a creek thumbing down, Knik River Valley to another side with Pioneer Peak and Twin Peaks just on the other side. Some really nice old growth Cottonwood’s the size of my Jeep were in this same spot. From here we, the dogs and I, took a short hike across the creek and on. We didn’t go all that far, I hadn’t planned on doing any hiking.
We then headed back to get the dog food. $80 later at Three Bears, I had dog food, pizza, meats for lunch and so on.
As to why I haven’t been posting much of late, well, guess I’ve just been in sortof a funk. Just not feeling like doing much of anything.
Some photos from today.
Dust on Knik River blowing down from Knik Glacier
View from where I was parked at the end of the trail.
Gertie loves it out here.
’til next time