Was a great Christmas!
Great company, Great gifts, Great food, and for Christmas day, Great weather (snow).
First off, I got the camera I’ve been wanting to a few years now, the Pentax K5.
Along with the camera, in the past few weeks I’ve bought a couple new lenses, a Sigma 10-20mm and a Pentax 55-300mm.
Also got a great little Mr. Beer to start/try to brew some of my own beer again.
To help with my photo editing, I got a new Bamboo drawing tablet.
And… drum roll please… Rock’em Sock’em Robots! Yes, the original.
The weather here has been very odd, way below average. In fact, it’s the worst, as far as cold temps and snow, on record. We did have a couple inches of snow day before Christmas here at the house, but it’s gone now, temps got up to 45? today.
Today, day after Christmas, headed out for a little two-tracking, and to let the dogs run a bit. We found some snow in the hills, a few inches, but by this time of year the trails should be groomed for snowmachines and too deep for cars and 4wd’s. Either way, was nice to get out and see some snow in the woods and trails.

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Wycamp Lake
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Along the trail two-tracking
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Wonderful Goodies I got from Dawn on Christmas
Some Finches at the feeder
An Eagle Soaring. These were taken with my new lens at 300mm, and camera, at about 300 yards, probability much further.
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’til next time