Only 3:00 PM And It’s A Productive Day

Yes, that’s right, it’s still early in the day and most my to-do list is done.
Following is my list:
√ Spray dogs with flee and tick stuff
√ Spray around yard with tick killer
√ Fix front storm door so it shuts correctly
√ Uncover morning glories
√ Mow  areas I want larger and through Blackberry patch
√ Clean Hummingbird feeders
√ Fix outdoor water tap
√ Go buy clamp for the water tap
√ Get tank of propane for grill
√ Take barn ramp apart and pitch it
List of what still needs going:
Clean up remaining leaves
Fix cam that’s on the barn. It’s not working at the moment
Plant the rest of plants outside. Waiting until tomorrow because we might have frost tonight
Wash windows. I still might do some of them today

So anyway, was pretty productive for being so early in the day. Now it’s time to get something to eat.

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