Twenty Four Fucking Days. Not a good start today, it’s 70° and humid. Also, I seem to be over heated and can’t cool down, I sweating like mad. Sometime today I need to swap out 2 empty propane tanks for full ones, going to need them with the cooler weather coming. Then, near the end of the day I move again to a different site. Wish I didn’t have to move, this site is great for the dogs and quite private.
Quick update… The seller called about 8:00 AM and said, “I hear you have to move, I’ll be there in about an hour”. So anyway, I’m moved to the new campsite much earlier than I thought.
Nothing else really went on today, was fairly busy at work though.
There is more road noise at this site, but I have a nice view for sunrises over the bay. I also ran and got two fresh tank of propane during lunch for the coming cooler weather that’s forecast to start tomorrow.
No word from my lender yet today, though sometimes he does email late into the evening. If I don’t hear anything today, I’ll shooting him an email tomorrow to check in. We need this done and over with.