Beautiful Day To Do Nothing

Holiday weekend, Labor Day. I normally don’t do much on holidays due to it being so busy out and a round, so here I am at home enjoying the beautiful day we’re having. Current temp is 68°F, mostly sunny skies and a light breeze… Perfect. I’ve been out sitting on the deck watching the birds for the most part. I haven’t sat outside much this past summer because it’s been too damn hot, so this was a good day to do so.
I might head out Monday it the weather is okay, most people are heading back home by then.
I was able to get a couple Hummingbird photos today. There’s only three hummers still sticking around, though they most likely will be heading off south in the next day or two. It’s always sad when they’re gone.
If you look close in the first photo, you can see the Hummingbird’s eyelashes. Yes, hummers have eyelashes, tiny clusters of short bristle-like feathers along the edge of both eyelids.

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