Well, I guess it’s time to move again. I once said this place would be my last home or move, but as per the norm, I was wrong again. By the middle(ish) of this month I will be moving to a new house. The place isn’t bad, not great, but not bad, though it does have a great building for a work shop. The house is on 20 acres with the Menge Creek running through it. It’s a 3 bedroom with 1 1/2 bath. The kitchen is quite nice and very newly remodeled. There is a pellet stove in the living room to keep things toasty during winter. The place is also at the end of the line as far as electricity, power stops at the house and goes no further. One really good thing is that there is cable to the house for good internet. Even though it’s quite remote, it’s also quite close to town, only about 10 minutes to the grocery store and about 3 minutes to the shore of Keweenaw Bay / L’Anse Bay. There is nice open area for my weather station, so that’s good.
Am I excited? No, not really, but I have to do what I have to do.
I feel so alone going through this, and so sad about having to leave the place I call Home.
Following are a few photos of the place from the listing, I hope to get some more tomorrow when I’m there to sign the purchase agreement.
Category: Other Stuff
Finishing Up
I hope to finish up my to-do list today. I didn’t sleep well, and took too long of a nap after my shower, so I need to slap myself to wake up and get moving. We’ll see what I can get done later…
Only 3:00 PM And It’s A Productive Day
Yes, that’s right, it’s still early in the day and most my to-do list is done.
Following is my list:
√ Spray dogs with flee and tick stuff
√ Spray around yard with tick killer
√ Fix front storm door so it shuts correctly
√ Uncover morning glories
√ Mow areas I want larger and through Blackberry patch
√ Clean Hummingbird feeders
√ Fix outdoor water tap
√ Go buy clamp for the water tap
√ Get tank of propane for grill
√ Take barn ramp apart and pitch it
List of what still needs going:
Clean up remaining leaves
Fix cam that’s on the barn. It’s not working at the moment
Plant the rest of plants outside. Waiting until tomorrow because we might have frost tonight
Wash windows. I still might do some of them today
So anyway, was pretty productive for being so early in the day. Now it’s time to get something to eat.
Trip to Town
We had to make an early trip to town for groceries. We normally shop Thursday or Friday during our lunch time so we don’t have to waste the weekend time, but plans for the weekend were screwed up due to Dawn’s boss being a power hungry bitch. She wouldn’t let Dawn know if she could have Monday off until the very end of day Friday. Long story short, she was refused the day off.
Anyway, we headed out for town of a dreary rainy day, but knowing the rain would stop soon, I brought my camera, as I always do anyway, in hopes to get some shots off of some wildflowers I’ve been seeing on the drive to and from work.
Score! The drive back home was a success, with even a couple wildflowers I hadn’t seen before.
Long Long Over Due
Yeah I know, I haven’t posted in about 4 1/2 months. Sucks eh.
Well I tell ya, the internet connection/speed here suck dick! I’ve been looking into alternatives, but it seems the only other option is satellite, and at over $100 a month for just 20GB of data, it’s hard to justify.
I’ve had lots to say, but I’ll be damned if I can remember what most of it is/was. Too much time has passed between thoughts. I’ll start by working backwards, as in the most current first.
On March 2nd, Dawn and I thought it would be nice to try and catch the sunset at Sturgeon Bay. The following shots are from then, 03.02.13 at Sturgeon Bay.
Hello and welcome to my new blog. New design, same old crap. :)
New, yes a new design to my blog. I wanted to start using WordPress instead of B2Evo as the blog engine, so here it is.
The process of converting over to WP went mostly good with the exception of the images, most moved over, but some didn’t. Continue For More Of This Post
An Update
Just a quick update.
I’ve been working on a couple different sites to show my photos. One is terra-reflections.com and the other is photos.terra-reflections.com, the later is hosted with Zenfolio. You can now purchase some of me images.